18 March 2011

You Must Learn, My good citizens, The ways of art.

this morning, one of my fourth grade girls came in and handed me this. She wrote it for class - they had to create a new constitution for something. It pretty much made my day - maybe even my week. I didn't even mind that she called me Mrs. or wrote about me dying.

The Constitution of Art:

we the young artist (age 4-13) have a right to choose who we want as an art teacher for the school Y.R. Elementary. Plus, you have one choice and the choice is mrs. jill rokos the best art teacher in are generation. So now Y.R. elementary has mrs. rokos as an art teacher.  Also students have to be good and if they do they earn a star sticker and when they get ten they earn a free art day. Also mrs. rokos needs to teach students about a few artists a year. Mrs. Rokos also needs to have fun with her job. The person in charge of art class will be Mrs. Rokos.  You must learn, my good citizens, the ways of art.  also, when she retires, is sick, or dies, I will be in charge. Mrs. Rokos will make the rest of the rules of her art classes.  Plus you must obey mrs. rokos and listen to her or else you have consequences and sit by yourself in the time out desk. Also remember ya'll love mrs. rokos cause she is a loving, successful person.  This has been a word by Haley R. good day!

1 comment:

Nik said...

This is awesome Jill. Plus, I love the conversation about your red nose. Kids are the best!